Thomas F. Kline, M.D., Ph.D
Thomas F. Kline (Dr. Kline) is a native Marylander who received his medical degree at the University of Maryland. He was ranked in the top 4% of physicians in the country for clinical skills based on the national medical testing required to graduate from medical school.
Dr. Kline practiced for five years in independent pediatric practice and then decided to do more research and teaching receiving a Ph.D. at the University of Oregon. This placed him in an elite group of physicians trained for medical education and medical research.
Dr. Kline has always believed that no one should be doing medical research until they have 10 years of clinical experience with patients. He actually has 40 years of experience taking care of patients from babies to people at the age of 100 yrs, and has specialized in long-term difficult problems.
Since retiring in January 2021, Dr. Kline is fully dedicated to medical education, teaching, and research. He prefers to challenge mythology in medicine while backing this up with facts through research and the use of formal logic.
Dr. Kline is involved with two significant projects currently based on mythology. The first is that natural opioid pain medication's are too harmful to use. The second is that diabetes really has little to do with blood sugar and more to do with inherited changes in capillaries.
Dr. Kline is “old school” now a pejorative term meaning someone who listens to and believes their patients.
Dr. Kline is available for consulting on projects and medical opinions on any medical topic. For news organizations to provide a counterpoint to pain medicine deniers.

Thomas F Kline, MD, PhD
Chronic and Rare Disease Specialist
Medical Research & Consulting Practice
1973 - 2020
Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Chronic and Rare Diseases, Psychiatry, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Primary Care Experience
Home medical care for complex long term illness, geriatric and disabled persons; Attending Physician, short stay units, skilled nursing facilities; long term geriatric care, geriatric and disabled adults in hospital outpatient setting, children and adults, private office setting; children and adults inpatient community hospital; adults, inpatient medical school teaching rehabilitation hospital; disabled children and adults residential settings; head injured adults on rehabilitation hospital inpatient service; head injured patients- outpatient settings
Instructor, Northeastern University, Physician Assistant program, Hematology Dermatology; Harvard Medical School, program director, to include medical student instruction.
Rehabilitation Medicine Consultant for home bound seniors and younger disabled persons, for skilled nursing rehabilitation units; Head Injury consultant, inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital, Dysphagia Consultant for Massachusetts General Hospital Rehabilitation Service; Vocational Rehabilitation consultations, General Psychiatric consultations, community outpatient setting, all age groups including children and geriatrics.
Chief Medical Officer, 60 bed rehabilitation hospital; Program Manager, inpatient Head Injury Unit; Director of Outpatient Services, 200 bed rehabilitation hospital; Medical Director, Behavioral Health Agency Louisburg NC; Medical Director, United Way community outpatient clinic, Chairman, Specialty Hospital Medical Directors Group; Medical Director, Harvard Hospital in the Home Program; Medical Director, Massachusetts General-Spaulding Home Health agency.
Undergraduate studies in Microbiology, University of Maryland; Doctor of Medicine, University of Maryland, 1970; PhD in Rehabilitation and Education, University of Oregon; Stanford Medical School Residency, 1973; Division Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School.
Inactive medical license retired Medicine in North Carolina. Board Certified in Pediatrics, Certified Medical Director (American Medical Directors Association).
Research into problems of diabetes, long term disease, long term pain management, and consultations for complex chronic disease patients; advocate for medically abandoned pain patients, national level advocacy for people with painful chronic diseases; Medical Rescue Practice for those denied care for their chronic painful diseases.
Articles written by Thomas Kline:
Health Careers on the Rise: An Expert Discusses Roles in Combating Opioid Addiction, Health Care Degree Website
The myth that prescriptions caused the opioid crisis, Raleigh News Observer, April 18, 2017.
Pain Related SUICIDES associated with forced tapers, Medium, May 30, 2018.
Comments from Patients on what they would like to tell the Legislators, Medium, May 11, 2018.
CDC 90MG Restriction does not apply to chronic pain patients, Medium, May 4, 2018.
Articles where Thomas Kline is quoted:
Inside the fallout of America’s crackdown on opioids, Washington Post, by Terrence McCoy, May 31, 2018.
The Myth of What’s Driving the Opioid Crisis, Politico, by Sally Satel, February 21, 2018.
Is the Opioid Epidemic Leaving Chronic Pain Patients Out in the Cold?, WTTW PBS Chicago, by Kristen Thometz, May 11, 2018
Canada’s Opioid Guidelines Let Her Die Without Dignity, Huffington Post, by Marvin Ross, September 12, 2017.
When Doctors Ignore Evidence, Pain Patients Suffer, Huffington Post, by Marvin Ross, March 1, 2018.
Never Let an Opioid Crisis Go to Waste, The American Spectator, by David Catron, August 21, 2017.
He Took Opioids To Manage His Chronic Pain. When His Doctors Took Them Away, He Didn’t Want To Live Anymore, BuzzFeed, by Dan Vergano.
Misconceptions about opioid use: A Medicine X Invited Participant, Stanford University Medicine, September 17, 2017.
Study Finds Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Ineffective at Curbing Overdoses, The American Journal of Managed Care, by Allison Inserro, May 7, 2018.
CVS’s Transparent Opioid PR Stunt, American Council on Science and Health, by Josh Bloom, September 28, 2017.
Why Human Suffering Should Bother You, Pain News Network, by Margaret Aranda, MD, October 23, 2017.
The Intensifying Conflict Between Opioid Control and Pain Control, Practical Pain Management, by Jacob Sullum, March 4, 2018.
When does pain treatment become palliative care?, EDS and Chronic Pain News & Info.
What we’re reading: Prescriptions didn’t cause the opioid crisis, The Florida Squeeze, by Brook Hines, May 18, 2017.
Roy Green: Waterboarding is illegal, yet chronic pain is tolerated, Corus Radio Network, February 9, 2018.
Good Age: A Canton doctor who makes house calls, The Patriot Ledger, by Sue Scheible, May 13, 2008.
A conference where Thomas Kline appeared on an opioid panel:
Article: Misconceptions about opioid use: A Medicine X discussion, Medicine X panel discussion, Stanford University Medicine, September 17, 2017.
YouTube Video: Opioids in America: Misconceptions and Misperceptions, Medicine X panel discussion, Stanford University Medicine, September 17, 2017.
Thomas Kline radio & podcast interviews:
Roy Green radio show, The ongoing battle to defend chronic pain patients and their access to opioid pain medication, February 17, 2018.
YouTube Videos where Thomas Kline appears:
Full Gallery is linked below:
Opioids in America: Misconceptions and Misperceptions, Medicine X panel discussion, Stanford University Medicine, September 17, 2017.
Pain Advocates Speak Out, DC Chronic Pain Patients and Doctors, Discussion with U.S. Congressional staffers, April 25, 2018.
A Doctor Who Makes House Calls, Patriot Ledger, May 12, 2008.
Conspiracies Against Wellness Show, Doctor’s Corner with Dr. Kline, March 13, 2008.
Conspiracies Against Wellness Show, Dr.Thomas Kline discusses the DEA & physicians trying to help their chronic pain patients, March 13, 2008.
Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed
Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed

#104 THOMAS FRIEDEN CDC DIRECTOR 2016 invented a new doctor crime of OVERPRESCRIBING w jail time

#103 Brandeis University spys on you for the federal drug police